Another attempt in Painter...
....well Painter Essentials to be precise... got it for free with my Wacom... and I am currently too poor to buy the full program. But from what I understand the only difference is fewer brushes, an no brush customization... which is fine by me, baby steps. I don't need too much info all at once!
This one was inspired by a challenge on Gnomon Workshop.... "Personal Transport". Lots of people submitted robots and such... but I'm more of an organic kinda girl. And I love me some snails.
Not quite happy with it... particularly the background... but then that is something I've always struggled with, even with traditional mediums. I am really fighting to get the brushes to behave naturally.... but I guess it all just takes practice... and figuring out which works best for my style.
Oh.... also finally bought a mac. =) I am now officially part of the Mac cult.... keeping my good ol Frankenstein PC for my gaming tho... built her myself.... she's 7 years old now and I keep up on her so she is always pretty cutting edge for gaming machine. =)
Anyhooo.... more later!