A Critique from Trollsmyth....
I am insanely flattered at the moment. I had made up my mind to set up some links to this blog of other blogs I found inspiring. Artists mostly... save one which is Trollsmyth (cool name eh?). I placed him as a link simply because its not just other people's art that inspires me... but the wonderous worlds that spring from RPG games. People who know me know I am a total MMO dork... and that prior to that I even did some geeking out to pen and paper D&D. They always spawned some of my most inspired doodles. Trollsmyth seemed to me a blogger very on top of the RPG industry.. something admitedly I wouldnt have a clue where to start outside of the small circle of MMO's I am involved in now.
So where am I going with this?? Well if you take a gander at
his most current post he has done perhaps the most thorough critique of my art and myself as an artist I've had in my entire life. And I have to admit, he mentions things about my style I had never even noticed before.. for instance the fact that I work from the bottom up. I pondered my most current illustration (I'll post a WIP tonight)... and realized that indeed, the bottom is almost complete... the top, hardly touched.
Thanks Trollsmyth. =) It means alot to receive such a wonderful crit from someone who so closely follows and world and genre that is created and imagined by artists and dreamers that are leagues ahead of me in skill. You could have posted a scathing crit if you'd wanted! ;-)